
Young Writers Society

Chicken Fried Rice #2

by Jules the jester

This is the second part of my new story. Still searching for a title. All crits welcome once again.

:!: One bad word. sorry :!:


Nikki’s dad was a short, pot bellied, red faced and broadly smiling man. He happily shook Jon’s hand and introduced himself as David. Jon helped David with the shopping bags into the back of his Vauxhall Astra. David never seemed to stop smiling, he was obviously a very happy man.

After finishing Jon climbed into the back seat. Nikki pushed the seat back and climbed into the front passenger seat.

“Buckled in?” David asked peering behind at Jon who nodded. “Good, good.” David pulled out of the car park and drove down several streets that Jon recognised. They passed his house by.

“So what do your parents do, Jon?” Jon smiled. He knew the question was coming it was the first thing other parents asked.

“My mum is was an advertisement consultant she quit and decided to set up her own business. My dad is a financial advisor.” David nodded and smiled.

The car came to a stop outside a small semi-detached, red brick house. Nikki leapt out and pulled the seat forward allowing Jon to stumble out. It was always like that getting out the back of a car that only had three doors.

Throwing his bag onto his shoulder Jon moved to help David with the shopping. “No, you go inside with Nikki. You’ve helped enough as it is.” Jon nodded and followed Nikki in through the front door of the house. The decoration was very bright and cheerful. The walls were painted a light yellow and the floor was carpeted in a light blue.

Nikki kicked her shoes off beside the door and Jon followed suit.

“Come on.”

She ran up stairs, Jon once again followed her. Up on the landing there were three doors, one was open showing the bathroom. The second was covered in stickers and had a huge N upon the front. Nikki entered.

Inside Jon looked about. It was a small room with a single bed pushed under a window that looked out onto the street. Upon the bed were two bears dressed in punk clothing. A small cabinet at the end of the bed held a small T.V, a DVD player and a clock. The walls were covered in posters of various bands and at one point there was a whole pack of cards stuck to the wall. Jon smiled. This was the type of bedroom he longed for, small and happy. Not the huge bare one he had back home.

Nikki closed the door behind Jon revealing a built in wardrobe that had been hidden by the door.

“Wanna watch a DVD?” Nikki asked pleasantly.

“Depends which one.” Nikki leant down and pulled a huge crate from under her bed. She pulled out a yellow box that had ‘Family Guy’ on the front.

“Do you like Family Guy?”

“Hell yeah!” He replied making her smile. Nikki jumped on her bed and placed the DVD into the machine. Nikki lay back on her bed making her figure look all that more appealing to Jon, who quickly put the thought from his mind.

Sitting down on the floor Jon settled down with his back to the wall. Catching Nikki’s eye Jon smiled. She returned the smile. The episode started, Peter crashed the car into the cable station and blames it on Meg. It had to be one of Jon’s favourite episodes of all time. Jon laughed at a particular scene drawing Nikki‘s attention to him.

Jon scratched his head. It was habit that annoyed his mum to no end. A knock came at the door.

“Nikki, can I come in?” The voice of Nikki’s dad was muffled through the door.

“Course Dad.” David opened the door slightly and smiled at Jon and Nikki.

“I can’t be bothered cooking so I am ordering a Chinese. What do you kids want?” Nikki replied quickly.

“Chicken fried rice, please.”

“How about you, Jon. What do you want?” David inquired of him.

“Err, that’s all right. I have a sandwich and….”

“No Jon, you can’t just have a sandwich for you dinner. Now tell me what you want.”

“If your sure, I will have chicken friend rice please.”

“Brilliant. I will order it now and,” He looked at his watch. “It should be here for six.” His head disappeared round the door.

“Thanks!” Jon called before the door was close.

“Don’t worry about it.” And the door was closed.

Nikki laughed. Jon looked at her, his eyes narrowing.

“My dad likes you!” Nikki threw one of her bears at him. Jon caught it and looked at it. Nikki had pierced its ears and made a miniature pair of tartan trousers and a leather jacket. Jon looked it over.

“This is awesome. When did you do this?” Nikki shrugged.

“Ages ago!” Nikki rolled to the floor and sat next to Jon. “Me and my friend made it a few years ago.” Sitting quietly they watched the DVD for a while longer. They sat in a comfortable silence.

Jon opened his mouth and was about to say something but he shut it quickly. Mulling it over Jon worked up the courage.


“Yeah.” Nikki didn’t take her eyes off of the T.V screen.

“Why were you crying today?” Nikki looked him in the eyes. Jon waited, he

knew that if it had upset her earlier that day, it would probably still upset her now.

“My boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now, made out with my best friend.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. Jon shifted uncomfortable. “It’s just that I trusted them both so much. And they betrayed me.” She began openly crying. “I loved him so much. I just don’t understand why. I was always there for him.” Jon looked away. He said the only thing that came to mind.

“This guy seems to be a total dick if you ask me.” Nikki laughed.

“He was. He always played me about, he was trying to make me have sex with him but I didn’t want to.” Jon put his arm around her and hugged her.

“Well screw him. If he wants to be an ass then we will let him.” Nikki hugged Jon’s chest.

“Thanks. I didn’t think I would have anyone to talk to.” Jon shrugged as if it was no bad thing.

“Just returning the favour, you helped me out and I am helping you out.” Nikki smiled and hugged Jon harder.

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49 Reviews

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Wed May 23, 2007 8:16 pm
Magyk says...

I really love these characters of yours. They are really believable and (kind of) my type of people.

Can't wait to read more. I am addicted. (Is that healthy?)

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Wed May 23, 2007 7:08 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot wrote a review...

Do you have something against comas? Because I'm not seeing many in here ;)

Think of it like this: when you are talking aloud, the natural punctuation is when you stop to take a breath. Thus, to make a character sound real, SAY THE PHRASES ALOUD IN A NORMAL VOICE, LIKE YOU REGULARLY TALK.

Unless, of course, the character you're speaking for has a speaking disability or something.

I'd also like to know more about Jon, but try to do it, not show it :)

One last thing before I scurry off to read #3 : give the characters some time to sort of foreshadow their feelings. Example, suddenly Nikki's crying. As a foreshadow to this, mention that her face falls or crumples, or she curls up into a ball. Body language can convey much more information than any word =)

For a name suggestion, I'd say "Chicken Fried Rice" because it's a food the two MCs share a like in. =D

I'm off to read #3 !


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Wed May 23, 2007 3:08 pm
Alainna says...

I really enjoyed this part!

I do have to agree with Meevs though, I'd like more information on Jon.
I'm starting to like Jon and Nikki a lot.

Keep up the great work,

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Wed May 23, 2007 10:11 am
miyaviloves wrote a review...

Aww they seem to be developing a lovely friendship! (Or maybe Jon wants more hehe)

I really like where you are tkaing thism you're writing is very well developed and you do have a good sense of your characters.

I would hwoever, like to have a little more description of Jon, so far I have a really good description of Nikki, but JOn is a little blank face in my mind :(

Keep up the good work!


Make sure you marry someone who laughs at the same things you do.
— Holden Caulfield